CFC Sponsors Housing Colorado Conference on Affordable Housing
CFC Construction was a proud sponsor of the 2024 Housing Colorado Conference, an annual event focused on leading practices, innovative ideas, and current issues for affordable housing professionals. This year’s sold-out event, held at the Keystone Resort & Conference Center in Keystone, Colorado, from October 9–11, 2024, brought together more than 945 affordable housing professionals from 33 states, making the 31st annual conference the biggest yet.
Housing Colorado’s vision is for every Coloradoan to have a “safe, healthy, quality, affordable home in a thriving community.” As one of the fastest-growing states in the U.S., Colorado faces a growing affordable housing crisis. More than 25% of Coloradoans currently spend more than 50% of their income on housing, and many of the state’s essential workers don’t earn enough to pay market rental rates or own a home. To that end, Housing Colorado provides advocacy, education, and issue-focused expertise for the affordable housing community to help create a wider range of affordable housing options in the state.

The 2024 conference schedule for the three-day event featured workshops, keynote speakers, and receptions. Further, the exhibit hall offered opportunities for attendees to network, connect, and share information about their organizations and efforts. Our booth was parked right in front of the exhibit hall, enabling us to connect with longtime and future clients alike.
Every Coloradoan deserves a home they can afford. At CFC Construction, we are committed to doing our part to help create sustainable affordable housing solutions across the state. We have a proud history of building affordable housing across our state, including both Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) financed projects.
CFC is committed to building Colorado’s communities, having served Colorado since 1977. After all, CFC’s name at its founding was “Colorado First Construction.” Learn more about our history and how we put Colorado first.