Building your Career at CFC
With a strong project pipeline, ramped-up diversification, and significant growth over the past five years, we’ve got a bright future ahead. Which is why we need to continue attracting and retaining the high-caliber professionals who will help us fuel that future.
If you’re here to explore whether CFC might be a good fit for your future, we’re here to help you figure that out. After all, square pegs don’t fit in round holes. And while we’re absolutely willing to help you develop your skills and knowledge over time, there are a number of baseline qualities we look for in any employee. So if you read this and find yourself thinking, “Hey, that’s me,” we want to hear from you. Because you’re bound to fit right in, and we’re always looking for our next-generation leaders.

We asked current CFC team members to talk to us about what it takes to thrive here. According to them, the right candidates for CFC are:

- Excited to learn. VP of Operations Pat Smith knows what he’s looking for in a candidate. He explains, “I’m looking for people that are willing to learn. That have a very open mind, a good sense of humor, and a strong work ethic. That aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty.”
- Seeking growth and opportunity. You’re not just looking for a paycheck. Instead, you’re looking for a career — one in which you’ll continue to grow, expand your skills, and take on new challenges. You’ll go far at CFC if you work hard, show initiative, and prove yourself to be a respectful and collaborative team player. Here, a day laborer really can become a company leader. Says Senior Superintendent Bill Pilger, “There’s opportunity here to grow. I know that if I keep plugging away and working hard, the promotions and benefits will be there. The sky’s the limit.”
- Unafraid to ask for help or speak up. Our founder and CEO, EJ Olbright, summarizes it well: “If you don’t come to the table with your problems, you’re in the wrong place. We don’t want people who are afraid to speak the truth, or afraid to stand up for what they think is right. They should be willing to challenge us, because we’re all equal here. We’re all working together to figure out the best solution.” Pre-con estimator Tyler Laib affirms, “No question is too silly. No comment is challenged in a negative way. You’re encouraged to speak up. It’s very conducive to learning as a team — not learning the hard way.”
- Hard-working. Construction isn’t easy work. So maybe this one’s obvious. But it’s worth reiterating, because a strong work ethic defines who we are at CFC. “We take tremendous pride and ownership in everything we do. That’s why we give it our all every single day,” states Construction Manager Troy Ballard.
- Looking for a long-term home. Turnover slows everyone down, including you. That’s why we’re looking for people we can invest in for the long term. Explains CFC Controller and HR Manager Laura Torrisi, “The company gives loyalty back. It’s investing in them. So the ideal candidates will be excited about a long-term position where they can grow.”
- A true team player. You’re motivated to do right by your team, and not just looking out for your own best interests. CFO Robert Wiese explains that at CFC, “Everybody is willing to bring in someone else to improve the results. Nobody’s trying to rise above.” VP of Preconstruction Karl Kostelic adds, “We have the same culture of ethics: unity, what’s good for all. I’ve been at other companies that were very individualistic, and that doesn’t build an effective team. Here, we’re trying to work well together, and we share the wealth, the awards, and the accolades.” Chief Estimator Sam Schupbach marvels at how well everyone gets along, saying, “I don’t know two people who dislike each other here. And everyone is in it for the team effort.”
- Genuinely committed to quality and client satisfaction. On any project, Senior Superintendent Humberto Ruiz makes it personal. He says, “I think about, what if I’m going to move into that building? Or if I would have my parents move into that building? Or my sister, brother, daughter, or son moved in there? It has to be a good building. Built compliant with code. Safe.” Project Manager Kira Chaffee echoes this personal commitment, saying, “I want my clients to trust me. To know that I’ll give them 110% of every day. Not just because it’s my job, but because I really care.”
- Flexible. As Torrisi explains, CFC’s field team needs to stay flexible in terms of where they’re working. While our Colorado focus gives our people the ability to put down roots, your daily commute will change over time. On average, workers spend approximately 18 months on a job site before moving on to a project in a different location.
We’re proud of our amazing team and strong company culture. After all, we’d be nothing without our people. That’s why we’re doing everything possible to build the strongest team, work with the best clients, and create a future that will provide for CFC’s people and their families for the long term.
Ready to apply? Start here. We’re excited to talk to you.
Want to learn more about building your career at CFC? Check out our Careers page, or learn more about our workplace culture.